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You fucking rock.

You are far too kind. 

Much love x


Esse manifesto ficou fabuloso!!


Verdadeiramente apreciado. Obrigado! Amor, apoio e solidariedade.


wow it's an incredible manifesto, it's like you read and are already astonished, but there's still more to read
(and I completely agree with the UrbaneBlobfish, the layouts are stunning


Wow. I am truly touched and speechless. I am glad you got something out of it! x


This game is absolutely gorgeous and an amazing work of art. I highly recommend this to everyone who likes provocative and stunning layouts and outspoken political messages!

Anarchist Simulator:

“Do the work. Get no credit. Shot in the back. Forgotten. Repeat.”

I literally cannot overemphasize how good this is. 

Blimey! I'm speechless. I can't thank you enough for your kind words! Wow.