Hi there! I'm Brina/ Ratgrrrl (Sidhe/ Her/ Fey/ They, etc).
Gender Malcontent. Alphabet Imp. Disabled. Neurodivergent.
I love make-believe bullshit and collaborative storytelling.
I write stuff sometimes. https://ko-fi.com/ratgrrrl
I am Queer in every Sphere.
I don't make things for bigots.
RatGrrrl Games is named after the terrified, furious, and abandoned core of my trauma and neurodivergences that I have been working on in therapy for over a decade.
I want to make things that explore and help her, and that she would want to play.
Anything that isn't PWYW will always have community copies for anyone who needs them. Queer folx are encouraged to grab them.
Everything I make will always be some form of open license, whether Creative Comrades License Agreement (CCLA 1.0), Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0), etc. where possible [Art licensed from artists may have their own licenses].
I can't stop bigots using my fucking Queer shit, but they are absolutely not welcome to it and I will call them the fuck out.
Same goes for anyone who would use anything for anything that features 'AI' 'art'. Don't fucking do it. Please and thank you.
I have created my own archive of resources for creators wanting art and other things on any (or no) budget Human Art For Humans. Direct link to the document.
Art: Mounted (Modified by me) by Thomas Novosel from their phenomenal Patreon
Things I have made, contributed to, and/ or curated that I am most proud of.
Goon City: Troika! Is a hack of Tunnel Goons by Highland Paranormal Society and Troika! by Melsonian Arts Council that combines the elegant simplicity of Tunnel Goons with the Gonzo Science-Fantasy and setting of Troika! with a focus on the...
A Setting and Hexcrawl in the Realm where Realms Go to Die Inspired by Dark Souls, Dark Tower, Dark, and other dark fantasy and strange things. Created for the Tabletop Graveyard Jam
Things I have had the pleasure of working with others on, whether as a member of Secret Table ( Evey , Evlyn , Huffa , Meredith, Miranda, Miriam , Sofia , Wendi , et al) or working with others on RatGrrrl Games.
Curated resources and Generators for names, items, encounters, NPCs, and absolutely everything you could possibly need for Goon City: Troika! and beyond!
Stuff I have made or contributed to for (or compatible with) games made by other people.
I am curating a resource of Weird Art, Odd Media & Strange TTRPGs to inspire and run with Troika! and anything in the Science and/ or Gonzo Fantasy, and this is my ongoing collection for it on here. Because there are too many to catalogue i...
Goon City: Troika! Is a hack of Tunnel Goons by Highland Paranormal Society and Troika! by Melsonian Arts Council that combines the elegant simplicity of Tunnel Goons with the Gonzo Science-Fantasy and setting of Troika! with a focus on the...
This is everything made by other people that I love! My other Collections I fiddle with the order, but this is simply in an 'add it when I love it' situation.