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Goon City: Troika! Trashcan Edition

A Science-Fantasy RPG for Weird People

Analogue Adventures in an Infinitely Odd City 

Goon City: Troika! Is a hack of Tunnel Goons by Highland Paranormal Society and Troika! by Melsonian Arts Council that combines the elegant simplicity of Tunnel Goons with the Gonzo Science-Fantasy and setting of Troika! with a focus on the City of Troika itself! 

This is a Trashcan Edition because it is all ready to roll, but I am working on building up more content and tools, as well as trying to get an idea of if this is something people enjoy and whether a future crowdfunding for a print run and all the things that go into elevating the words and ideas into something spectacular. 

The only thing I care about is folx getting their hands on this and  having fun. If that supports more down the line all the better, but I am having a truly wonderful time running this with various groups and people, exploring this phenomenal, inspiring setting envisioned by Daniel Sell and playing about with mechanics looted from Nate Tremes perfectly succinct and brilliant game. 

Author's Confession 

Call me Maria California, for I am an Art Detective and a thief. 

This game only exists because there were giants, goons, gremlin catchers, filth gnomes, slayers, wardens, and many others who came before and made incredible things that inspired and amazed me. I am but a RatGrrrl who has got my filthy paws all over their work – chewing and scratching, burrowing in and making my home, swallowing chunks and blowing them all together to, hopefully, make something fun. The doing of all that and playing in the mess has been that for me, as has been growing the ideas that came from my stomach during all the regurgitating. This metaphor is gross and getting away from me, but my point is this game is a scrapbook of other people's brilliant ideas with some of my own as the glue and glitter. 

If you like this, go check out all the things that inspired it made by people with more skill and imagination. Please and thank you. 

What is This?

Goon City: Troika! 

The core concept is to take the simplicity of Tunnel Goons and marry it up with the Gonzo setting and flavour of Troika! with a focus on the City of Troika itself.

The City of Troika is a timeless, anachronistic science-fantasy conurbation that can literally be or become anything, subject to the whims of fate and the powers of Oops! and Uh-Oh! At its core (on the right day if you squint hard enough) it is recognisable as a metropolis consisting of all manner of Districts, Citizens, Hotels, and Municipal and Community organisations. 

This is the City of Troika, but Troika is a state of mind – infinite, mercurial, mutable, and strange. Everyone's Troika is unique and ever-changing. 

Welcome to Goon City: Troika!

Goon City: Troika! Trashcan Edition

This is the Trashcan Edition of Goon City: Troika, an over 40-page document, not including all the linked documents, (EPUB and PDF available here) containing:

  • Core Rules: The full rules system based on Tunnel Goons, mixed with Troika!, and some of my own meddling, including character creation, Character Sheets, and name generator with an ever-growing repository of weird, mostly made up, names.
  • Quick Reference Sheet (Folder including Plaintext here)
  • Backgrounds: The classic Tunnel Goons character (Goon), an element of the Tunnel Goons character creation expanded into a full Background (Garden Acolyte of the Axial Lots), a background from Troika! ported into Goon City: Troika! (Lonesome Monarch), and an entirely new one unique to Goon City: Troika! (Art Detective), showing how easy Backgrounds are to create and to bring in from other games, as well as links to the Generator and working document containing the current 17 being tested.
  • Tchotchkes:  Trinkets that Citizens begin with and can pick up and use on their travels around the City. They each relate to a Background or something else connected to the City and the Spheres, as well as links to the Generator and working document containing the current 45 that are complete.
  • Troikan Bureau of Tourists (Intensional and/ or Interdimensional), Possible Events, and Uncertain Activities (TBB{I/I}PEUA): A collection of events, encounters, and seeds to bring your City to life with things happening in the background, problems to solve, things to investigate, and happenstances happening upon the Citizens and the City right now, as well as links to the Generator and working document containing the current 25 that are complete.
  • The Uh-Oh! Table: An extension of the fantastic and strange Oops! Table from Troika!, reworked and extensively added to for Goon City: Troika! to work apply to any rolls of Snake Eyes (1 and 1 from 2d6) for added chaos that everyone can get in on (not just the Spellslingers), taking inspiration from all manner of sources from Troika!, weird/ science fantasy and fiction, my own Uh-Oh! of a brain, and beyond the Spheres! Includes links to the Generator and working document with 45 reworked and added entries.
  • The Dandelion and Mawkish Unicorn (Hotel Adventure Preview): A fully ready-to-run preview of my hotel adventure and ode to The Blancmange & Thistle (B&T) from Troika! As with B&T, it is an expansive and strange establishment to explore, get into trouble, spend the night in one of its themed rooms, and maybe become crushed by the overwhelming mass of semantic cascading… 
    • Includes, reasons for visiting, events on the street, lift and stairs events with strange people to meet, thematic rooms and suites to explore, and a variety of disparate events the hotel is accommodating.

The full release of Goon City: Troika! will also include 

  • More Backgrounds: A lot more! Including the complete Goon Apprenticeship Programme and Troikan Career Solutions. 
  • Build-a-Background: The ingredients from existing Backgrounds all neatly chopped up for rolling up completely random Backgrounds. 
  • Goons & the City: A look at the City of Troika through the Goon City: Troika! lens with suggestions and tools for making it your own and filling it with fun stuff. 
  • Import & Export: Advice on using adventures and stuff from other systems in Goon City: Troika! (Just do it!) 
  • The Impossible Concierge of Dribb: A hotelcrawl generator with a bunch of random tables that takes inspiration from The Eternal Caverns Of Urk by Highland Paranormal Society 
  • The Dandelion and Mawkish Unicorn: The complete hotel adventure inspired by The Blancmange & Thistle in Troika! Numinous Edition by Melsonian Art Council. 

Make your own Troika (or any other weird city) and leave your mark, if you can. The City doesn't care about you and almost certainly won't remember, but you might. 

This is Goon City: Troika!

Goon City: Troika! Generators:

Backgrounds - Goon City: Troika

Citizen Goon (Player Citizen/ Character Generator) - Goon City: Troika!

Citizen Registry (Name Generator)

Happenings in the City (Encounter Generator)


Tchotchkes - Goon City: Troika!

Troikan Bureau of Tourists, Possible Events, and Uncertain Activities


Who's That Goon? - Non Player Citizen (NPC) generator for Goon City: Troika!, Tunnel Goons or anything weird

Compatible with Troika Fortle Logo: A Cartoon Tortoise with a fort tower for a shell

Olivia Hill Rule No Fascists Allowed
If you’re a fascist, you’re not welcome to [use this resource]. It’s against the rules. If you’re reading this and thinking, “You just call everyone you disagree with a fascist,” then you’re probably a fascist, or incapable of drawing inferences from context and acknowledging a dangerous political climate that causes the oppressed to be hyperbolic. Don’t play this game. Heal yourself. Grow. Learn. Watch some Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood or something. 

I am Queer in every Sphere. 

I don't make things for bigots.

If you make things or are thinking about it might find Human Art For Humans, a curated collection of links and resources for creators with any (and no) budget, useful

Human Made logo by HINOKODO

 Goon City: Troika! original text by RatGrrrl Games  licensed under Creative Comrades License Agreement (CCLA 1.0)

 Goon City: Troika! is an independent production by RatGrrrl Games and is not affiliated with the Highland Paranormal Society or Melsonian Arts Council. 

Cover Art: DoodleCityMecha2 by Evlyn Moreau from her phenomenal Patreon

Art for the Quick Reference: Highland Paranormal Society (Modified) from their phenomenal Patreon

Art: MegaKing by Thomas Novosel from their sensational Patreon

twitterpainting-VIVID by Thomas Novosel from their sensational Patreon

Tiny Mages by Evlyn Moreau from her phenomenal Patreon

Photo: Downtowngal, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons</https:>

Fonts: Pirata One Designed by Rodrigo FuenzalidaNicolas Massi

Atkinson Hyperlegible Designed by Braille InstituteApplied Design WorksElliott ScottMegan EiswerthLinus BomanTheodore Petrosky


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Goon City Troika! Trashcan Edition.epub 10 MB
Goon City Troika! Trashcan Edition.pdf 10 MB
Goon City: Troika! Trashcan Edition Document
Goon CIty Troika Character Sheet Final.pdf 4.8 MB
Goon CIty Troika Character Sheet Minimal BW.pdf 392 kB
Goon CIty Troika Character Sheet Minimal Colour.pdf 2.6 MB
Quick Reference BW.pdf 1 MB
Quick Reference BW.png 408 kB
Quick Reference.pdf 714 kB
Quick Reference.png 473 kB

Development log


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Big fan of Troika for years and just Mastered my first session of Tunnel Goons with my siblings and gf, wanted to make something like this hack myself and I just found out this exists. Enjoy a nice coffee with my donation Ratgrrl.

Truly appreciated! I hope you enjoy and I would be keen to see anything you work on! 


Went to Goon City and everyone there knew you...

Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you ever so much! I have hopefully fixed the link now. Truly appreciate the heads up!



Also, if you want to play somewhen. Just let me know and we can engage in the complex dance of the timezones. No worries!

Deleted 1 year ago

Awesome scenes and done!


I'm loving the whole vibe/aesthetic of the trashcan edition and will definitely buy it in print if/when it comes out. But as a very lazy DM, are you thinking of adding any sort of pre-made adventure/campaign/module/whatever you want to call it? Or are there any you could recommend that would fit well with this system? Especially if it involves fighting fascists and bigots! 

Hi there! Thank you ever so much for your response! The Trashcan Edition does currently contained a paired back, but completely runnable hotel adventure site to explore in the tradition of The Blancmange & Thistle, in The Dandelion and Mawkish Unicorn, as well as links to Happenstances (Events/ Adventure Seeds). I have also created a Happening (Encounters ) Generator that has Happenings between two groups that Citizens can witness and/ or get embroiled in, and a NonPlayer Citizen Generator that creates rather fleshed-out NPCs. There will be the full hotel adventure site, tables for generating hotelcrawls, rules and prompts for generating Districts, and I am working on a job board. (All the generators are linked in this pages description).

Right now, anything by Highland Paranormal Society or Melsonian Arts Council, and beyond that for Tunnel Goons, Troika, Bastionland, Into the Odd work great, as will anything weird.

Outside of this I have either run, plan to or have taken inspiration from:




How weird is Goon City: Troika? So weird.

During one brief session of play,  my perfectly chiseled man-of-stone set off without a thought in his head on a quest to acquire some garden statuary. Along the way he encountered security turkeys, hot-tub loving gremlins, Hunter S Thompson and a pack of weeping neo-goths. Also a demon burst into a plume of technicolour radiance.

There's enough going on here to keep you busy for months.

Thank you so very much for your kind comments and being such a pleasure to play with! I look forward to more carnage!!